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Chapter 2 of the "The Greatness Which Might Be Theirs" By Ethel G. Martens. Find your Way - The University of Jordan :: Amman :: Jordan The Page Was Last Updated On Wednesday, January 01, 2020 12:43:56 AM The University of Jordan © 2012 , All Rights Reserved Detecting and Characterizing Genomic Signatures of Jun 06, 2013 · Natural selection is a significant force that shapes the architecture of the human genome and introduces diversity across global populations. The question of whether advantageous mutations have arisen in the human genome as a result of single or multiple mutation events remains unanswered except for the fact that there exist a handful of genes such as those that confer lactase persistence ‫University of Bahrain Libraries - مكتبات جامعة البحرين ‎University of Bahrain Libraries - مكتبات جامعة البحرين‎, Sakhir, Bahrain.